Sponsoring Committee

The Sponsoring Committee is a group of parents and volunteers working with squadron staff to represent the Air Cadet Program within the local community. Their role is to ensure indispensable local support for squadron needs as well as take care of some of the logistics involved in the squadron activities and act as a liaison.

  • Parent/Guardian Volunteers   

    Volunteers are most welcome and are critical to the success of our cadet program.  If you are interested in volunteering, please speak with the Sponsor Committee Chair or Vice Chair.

    • We rely on parent/guardian volunteer drivers for fundraising activities such as Tag Days and Legion Poppy distribution.

    • Regular volunteers, including those on the Sponsor Committee Board, sub-committees or regularly assisting with activities, are required to undergo registration and security screening, as the safety and security of our cadets always comes first.


    • Speak to the SC Chair if you or your company would like to donate funds or goods to the Squadron Sponsor Committee.  Income Tax donation receipts may be issued should the donation qualify under Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.

    • If your employer participates in the United Way campaign, personal donations can be directed to the Squadron.

    • If you volunteer with the Squadron, check if your employer has a volunteer program. Many employers will make a financial contribution to the organization where you volunteer once a certain number of hours has been completed.

    • You can also donate on this website

    New Parent/Guardian Orientation Session

    • A new parent/guardian orientation session is held in September each year.