
The 211 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron delivers youth programming to help them build aviation, citizenship, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How old do I need to be to join?
    • You are eligible to join an air cadets squadron if you have reached your 12th birthday. You can remain a member until your 19th birthday.
  • When is regular training?
    • Regular training is from September until June.
  • What costs are involved?
    • There is no fee to join our squadron.
  • If I join the cadets, will I be joining the Canadian Armed Forces?
    • Cadets are not part of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) but are taught by CAF members.  The Air Cadet Program is a community-based program where the Government of Canada invests in today's youth and Canada's future.
  • What are the membership requirements?
    • Potential cadets must:
      • be a legal resident of Canada;​
        • NOTE: A legal resident of Canada is a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant, or, the dependant of a person who is lawfully resident in Canada on a temporary basis for the purpose of education or employment.
      • provide proof of provincial health insurance coverage or equivalent;
      • be at least 12 years of age;
      • not have attained 19 years of age;
      • normally be in good physical condition;
      • not belong to another corps or squadron; and
      • be acceptable to the Commanding Officer (CO) of the cadet corps or squadron.
  • Who instructs / supervises us?
    • The cadet program is led and supervised by CAF members of the Cadet Organizarions Administrative and Training Service (COATS), a component of the CAF reserve force. COATS members are primarily assigned to duties relating to the supervision, administration and training of cadets who are members of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Royal Canadian Army Cadets and Royal Canadian Air Cadets. The CAF members who support 211 Squadron do so on a part time basis, typically dedicating time on top of their full time careers. 
    • The cadet program also places emphasis on leadership, and various aspects of the cadet program are led by senior cadets under the supervision of CAF personnel.
  • How often do we train?
    • You will train with your squadron every Wednesday evening. Air Cadets also participate in occasional day trips and overnight weekend training.
  • How often do we fly?
    • Generally, our squadron participates in gliding familiarization twice per year. Other flying opportunities are offered where possible and include, powered familiarization flights, and CAF military aircraft familiarization flights. 
  • Are there any extracurricular activities?
    • 211 Squadron offers various extracurricular training throughout the regular training year. Often referred to as optional activities, 211 offers drill team, biathlon, marksmanship, and music of a regular occuring basis. Additionally, 211 offers one time optional activities such as survival training, year-end-trips, museum visits, sports days, and citizenship activities. 
  • Do I have to buy my own uniform?
    • No. Complete uniforms are loaned to cadets by the Canadian Armed Forces. You are, of course, expected to keep the uniform(s) looking clean and neat and return them when you leave the squadron.
  • Do I get paid to be an air cadet?
    • Cadets do not get paid. They do receive a training bonus when they go on summer training.
  • What about pilot training?
    • The air cadet programme offers a glider pilot training course and powered pilot training course to meritorious cadets. 
  • Want to learn more?