Sponsoring Committee

The Sponsoring Committee is a group of parents and volunteers working with squadron staff to represent the Air Cadet Program within the local community. Their role is to ensure indispensable local support for squadron needs as well as take care of some of the logistics involved in the squadron activities and act as a liaison.

211 Squadron Sponsorship Committee 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Mr. TJ Caron, Chair

Mrs. Pamela Best, Secretary

Mr. Joey Legrand, Treasurer

Mr. Callum Burns, Director

Mr. Les Buckley, Director

Captain Labelle, for Cpt. Lee  




Mr. Haider Zaidan, 2nd vice-chair 

Mr. Scott Bigras, Director

Ms. Carol Ann Hartung, Director

Mr. Juan Emanuel Alfonzo Morales, Director 

Mme. Lynn Sénécal, Squadron Advisor



  1. Approval of agenda and minutes from previous meeting
  2. CO’s report
  3. Old business; 
  4. New business; 
  5. Chair’s report; 
  6. League’s report (submitted by mail)
  7. Treasurer’s Report 
  8. Review new actions and update action list 




Approval of agenda and minutes from previous meeting

Motion for the approval of the agenda

Moved by TJ, seconded by Callum


Motion for the approval of the minutes from previous meeting for December 20, 2023

Moved by Callum, seconded by Joey


COs report

Overall things are going well: numbers are up and training is going well. 

Upcoming activities: Feb 14 skating; Feb 23-25 WInter FTX ; regionally organized activity, 20 cadets can go. 

March 16 and 23rd for sale of chocolate bunnies (volunteer hours)

No training March Break

Volunteers needed April 29 for a Flag Party for the Lions Club Convention

FTX Last weekend of April, location to be determined.

Another training activity to be scheduled for one weekend day in May.

Need to pick a date for the Annual Ceremonial Review. 

Old business : 

LSA Financial update:

We have been granted an additional Local Support Allocation (LSA) of $6000 this year. This will bring our LSA amount to $12,000 specifically allocated to fund the school and storage facility. 

Mess dinner: 

Seeking options for locations for the Mess Dinner. 

Action items: Pamela to follow up with Britannia Yacht Club, Callum to look at options in Westboro (Legion, churches). TJ to see if any of the Officer’s Messes are available. 

Assuming 80 cadets, staff and volunteers will attend. 

New business 

Covered under Chair’s report. 

Chair’s report

The list of Directors is now published on the CRA website. 

League report

  • Please don't forget to inform cadets about different bursaries and the Chairman's award (in the CPQVO-611 guide) at the beginning of February.
  • No inscriptions yet from 211 for effective speaking local contest. Cadets to fill out ACC-54 ASAP
  • Friendly reminder that the Provincial President, Marie Christine Lalonde has invited all SSC members from the region to come and meet with her on February 3rd. TJ has the infos.
  • And finally, THANK YOU everyone for everything you do for 211 Sqn.

(Note, it was discussed that no volunteer was available to assist with the effective speaking contest this year.)

Treasurer’s Report 

Review of the financial situation. 

Financial statement


Review new actions and update action list 

Action list updated


Next meeting February 21 


Action item 



Date assigned 

Looking at options for the silent auction of items donated by Callum and MEC. 




Dec 20/23

Add poll to the website to assess interest in attending the Mess Dinner

(Needs confirmation of date and location)



Dec 20/23

Remove Stephanie Chase from the list of SSC members with the League.



Dec 20/23

Effective speaking: follow up to see if the coach (Mr. Graham’s wife) is available. Interested cadets should complete the form (TJ has link). 


Complete (Mrs. Graham is not available)

Dec 20/23

Lynn to provide dates for online training for SSC members



Dec 20/23

Follow up with other squadrons to see if they may be interested in sharing the costs



Nov 14/23

Confirm if CRA has posted the list of Directors for 2023-24. 



Nov 14/23

Follow up with 211 Alumni to see if anyone may be interested in joining the Kiwanis.



Nov 14/23

ACC9 2022-2023 to be sent to regional coordinator and Cc Advisor by Joey



Nov 14/23

Follow up on funds coming in through GCWCC



Nov 14/23

Follow up on storage

TJ to discuss negotiations for the school rental with the CO (option for non-profit organizations to get free use of school space)




Sept 16/23

TJ will create a schedule for the Bingo volunteers

- SSC members to indicate when they will be unable to be included in rotation; Callum available as of November, Pamela unavailable after long weekend in May.



Oct 18/23

Pamela to reach out to SSC members for items to be considered for sale through the canteen.

- Will be added to poll



Oct 18/23

Looking for the donation of gift cards through community partners ( e.g. Boston Pizza)



Oct 18/23

Scott to look into purchasing pens to give away at Community Engagement Days

(Will need logo)



Oct 18/23