
The 211 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron delivers youth programming to help them build aviation, citizenship, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Upon enrollment, a new cadet in the Air Cadet Program is known as a "Cadet" (Cdt). Appointment (or promotion) to higher ranks occurs after the cadet has met certain nationally prescribed standards. The specific criteria for all ranks are established to ensure that all cadets who receive a rank promotion possess the same basic qualifications or similar experience, the successful completion of squadron training serves as the common standard on which all cadets are evaluated, and that every cadet is given the same opportunity to advance.

Because there is a maximum number of established positions for ranks warrant officer first class (one per squadron), promotions are based on the results of a merit review board. The composition of the merit review board includes a minimum of three to a maximum of five members. As appointed by the squadron commanding officer, members include:

  • Commanding officer (or delegate) acting as board chairperson
  • Air Cadet League or local sponsor representative; and a minimum of one and maximum of three additional members from the following:
    • representative(s) of the RCSU CO (area Cadet Instructor Cadre officer, regional cadet advisor, area cadet officer, etc.)
    • squadron CIC officer(s) (from within own or members of neighbouring squadrons)
    • and member(s) of the community (to include: school principal, Legion member, etc.).

Responsibilities are given to cadets upon reaching Flight Corporal (FCpl), the first NCO rank. The badge is similar to the insignia of a flight sergeant incorporating a crown above two chevrons. The new rank brought the rank progression for the sea, army, and air cadet programs into line.

Flight corporals and corporals generally assist a more senior cadet, such as a flight sergeant who leads a flight (a small, organizational group of air cadets). Sergeants are responsible for most of the day-to-day activities of the squadron and assist the flight sergeants as second in command of a flight. Warrant officers work closely with the officer staff of the squadron, assisting with administration, logistical, leadership, and training. In smaller squadrons, these roles may be filled by more junior cadets.

The official phrasing for the ranks uses the word cadet as a preface — as an example, cadet corporal. However, custom omits cadet in casual reference. Thus, corporal is the usual wording. Generally, where there is a need to distinguish between cadets and Canadian Forces members, ranks will be written or spoken as cadet corporal and abbreviated as C/Cpl.

While it is customary within the organization to refer to a cadet receiving a rank as being "promoted," the official documentation (Queens Rules and Regulations (Cadets) and CATO) vary: the senior document describing progression as an "appointment", the other describing progression as "promotion".

The chart displays the rank structure of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.

Junior Cadets (Air Cadet - Flight Corporal)
Air Cadet (AC)

cadet de l'air

Leading Air Cadet (LAC)

cadet de l'air de 1er Classe

Cadet Corporal (Cpl)


Cadet Flight Corporal (FCpl)

caporal de section

No insignia One double-bladed Propeller. a two-bar Chevron A two-bar Chevron surmounted by a St Edward's Crown
  • The rank of Air Cadet is granted upon enrollment – must be 12 years of age, but not 19 years of age to enroll

For promotion to Leading Air Cadet, a cadet must:

  • Actively participate in proficiency level 1 of the LHQ training program for a minimum period of six months
  • Be recommended by the appropriate flight commander (officer)

For promotion to Corporal, a cadet must:

  • Hold the rank of Leading Air Cadet
  • Have successfully completed the first year of the proficiency level training (Proficiency Level 1)
  • Be recommended by the appropriate flight commander (officer)

For promotion to Flight Corporal, a cadet must:

  • Complete at least six months of service at the rank of Corporal
  • Have successfully completed the second year of the proficiency level training program (Proficiency Level 2)
  • Be recommended by the appropriate flight commander (officer)
Senior Cadets (Sergeant - Warrant Officer First Class)
Cadet Sergeant (Sgt)


Cadet Flight Sergeant (FSgt)

sergent de section

Cadet Warrant Officer Second Class (WO2)

adjudant 2e classe

Cadet Warrant Officer First Class (WO1)

adjudant 1er classe

A three-bar Chevron A three-bar Chevron surmounted by a St Edward's Crown St Edward's Crown within a wreath of Maple leaves A simplified version of the 1957 Coat of arms of canada

For promotion to Sergeant, a cadet must:

  • Complete at least six months service at the rank of Flight Corporal
  • Have successfully completed the third year of the proficiency level training program (Proficiency Level 3)
  • Attain a minimum of "completed without difficulty" in PO303 (Leadership)
  • Be recommended by the appropriate flight commander (officer)

For promotion to Flight Sergeant, a cadet must:

  • Complete at least six months service at the rank of Sergeant
  • Have successfully completed the fourth year of the proficiency level training program (Proficiency Level 4)
  • Participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment
  • Attain a minimum of "completed without difficulty" in PO403 (Leadership)
  • Be recommended by the appropriate flight commander (officer)
For promotion to Warrant Officer Second Class, a cadet must:
  • Completed at least six months service at the substantive rank of Flight Sergeant
  • Attain a minimum of "completed without difficulty" in PO503 (Leadership)
  • Be identified as a successful candidate through the merit review board process

For promotion to Warrant Officer First Class, a cadet must:

  • Completed at least six months service at the substantive rank of Warrant Officer 2nd Class
  • Be part of a squadron large enough to have been allotted its one Warrant Officer 1st Class position, and in which that position is vacant, except in the case of a transfer from another squadron.
  • Be identified as a successful candidate through the merit review board process
  • Promotion to Warrant Officer 1st Class may be considered the pinnacle of an Air Cadet's service.