Sponsoring Committee

The Sponsoring Committee is a group of parents and volunteers working with squadron staff to represent the Air Cadet Program within the local community. Their role is to ensure indispensable local support for squadron needs as well as take care of some of the logistics involved in the squadron activities and act as a liaison.

Minutes - Squadron Sponsorship Committee - Sep 18, 2024

1. Welcome and approval of agenda (5 minutes)

2.Voting for Squadron Sponsorship membership executives (5 minutes)
3. League representative report (3 minutes)
4. Commanding officer report (10 minutes)
5. Budget (5 mins TBC)
6. Resolution to change signing authorities (5 minutes) 
7. Fundraising activities. (30 minutes)
    - Walkathon
8. Effective Speaking program (5 minutes)
9. Communications with parents (15 minutes)
    -Letter to parents re: funding

Ms. Pamela Best, Co-Chair
Mr. Callum Burns, Co-Chair
Mme. Lynn Sénécal, Squadron Advisor (did not vote)
Captain Hayes (CO)
Ms. Kim Cowan, Provisional Secretary
Mr. Joey Legrand, Director
Mr. Les Buckley, Director
Mr. Juan Emmanuel Morales, Director
Ms. Marie-Jo Caron
Mr. Pedro Martinez


Mr. Ajit Singh Sandu

Mr. TJ Caron



Draft agenda moved by Callum and seconded by Les.



As Joey Legrand stepped down as Chairperson in September, Pamela Best and Callum Burns were proposed to co-chair for 2024/2025 

Motion was forward by Les; seconded by Juan. 

Kim Cowan proposed as Provisional Secretary for 2024/2025 until security clearance completed.   

Moved by Les and seconded by Juan.

3 League rep report (Lynn Senecal):
-Air Cadet League AGM will be held on 20 October at 11 AM virtual. One of co-chairs must be
there. It will be bilingual.
-There is a Congress weekend of Sept. 21/22. No one will attend for Squadron 211 SSC.
Replacement was found who will absorb costs. All costs for congress can be taken off 211’s
-ACC9 (financial report for squadron) is overdue to Regional (Due Aug. 31). At provincial level,
it’s due before Sep. 30. ACC9 is financial report of every squadron. It will need to be balanced.


Commanding officer report (Captain Hayes):
-Squadron 211 received 70 online applications for new cadets. With new applicants, there are
145-150 cadets. Exploring if there is a need to shut down the online applications as resources
are finite.
-Across Canada program is in period of growth. Seeing less people leave and more people
joining. Fiscal resources not growing. Need to do more with less.
-Key things coming up on agenda: FTFs coming up (Reimbursed by DND but needs to be paid).
-Planning for Mess Dinner 18 December. DND will cover $2200. SSC will need to discuss if cadets
will be charged small fee to help or if SSC could fundraise. Pamela noted that we prefer to not
charge the cadets to ensure all can attend. Captain Hayes offered a number of turnkey option
  -Highlands (private military golf course);
  -Leitrim (need to hire catering service – but very pricey).
  -CAF option downtown.
  -Barrhaven legion does a turnkey mess dinner.

- CCC at Connaught ranges event on 9 November. Chairs will be invited.
-Pamela requested that we get more info on processes around DND payments at a future SSC


Bottle drive: Oct. 12. Need 12 cadets (2 shifts/ 3 people per shift plus an officer). No uniforms. There are 2 beer stores at College Square. Need canopy and tent. Funding towards the year end trip for cadets. Councillor Cavanaugh and MP Chandra will advertise. 
In past, bottle drives have earned $500-1000.
-Community engagement days (looking at Sept. 28 as first date) - cadets authorized to use FTXs (need 12). Adult staff will not be in uniform.
-SSC discussed tips and tricks for finding venues for community engagement days. Walmart,
Loblaws, Canadian Tire (all good). Bayshore has traditionally been used by Kanata squadron. We
can use College Square. Metro at Lincoln Fields. Go in person; go to info desks; don’t phone.
-Other activities in past: Fruitcakes at Xmas; Chocolate bunnies at Easter.
-Tiptap pay machine is an option at fundraisers. We can use machines until end of September.
October 20th : Booked Terry Fox from 9-4.
5 squadrons taking part this year. (211, 51, 75, 706 and 872.)
-Need to collect portion of rental before event. $91.33 (Pamela will make the contribution as her
-Tent and foldable tables, banners
-Competition - participation rate; best squadron cheer; best dressed theme walk –-Prize for top donor: MEC gift certificate?
- Hot dog bbq after the event; combo of with drink and chips $4
(veggie and Halal)
-Need volunteers for route marshalls, BBQ helpers and food counters. 
-RSVP : Send information re: Walkathon to Joey for the website
Coffee fundraiser: If we do this again, initiate the coffee fundraiser in November. Equator will sell
discounted bags (ground or beans)
Drone: Joey will donate a drone and at next cadet night (Sep. 25), will sell $3 for 1 ticket; $5 for 2
tickets. Raffle to win the drone. If this works, can do it again.


-SSC members discussed how much are we planning to raise this year? Former Treasurer Joey
LeGrand suggested if we do a year-end trip, then we need around $20,000. If no year end trip,
$8-12,000. Captain Hayes has secured $6700 dollars from DND (To confirm – I had different amt
in my notes). It was suggested we could aim for $14,000, but would be fine with $8000 for year.
-There was a special meeting of SSC executive on July 17th . Attendants: Callum, Les, TJ, Pamela,
Joey, Lynn (non-voting); Commander Hayes. They approved budget for 2024/2025 year, as
presented by TJ with a few modifications.
-Recurring expenses. Dymon storage invoice ($app. 900). Hayes confirmed that it had been
paid. But he needs to be reimbursed.

Resolution to change signing authorities. Given change in positions on the Executive Committee,

Motion was proposed (Pedro) and seconded (Marie-Jo) to change signing authorities from Joey Legrand to Pamela Best and Callum Burns.

Co-chairs thanked Joey for his dedication and commitment as Treasurer and Chair and appreciate his service to SSC.

  Effective Speaking Program. Couple of volunteers have shown interest (including David
Lagimodiere). Volunteer can go on national website for all information. There is a form that every cadet has to sign before they start in order to do the program. Need someone from SSC – work in partnership with one of the military staff. Need practice with the impromptu questions 


Website, Communications and comms to parents.
SSC discussed the importance of getting info that parents need more upfront on the webpage (e.g. calendar; times of events; which uniform). Fundraising activities and how to donate need to be very upfront as well. Discussion around knowing website users (e.g. cadets, parents, SSC, aspiring cadets/applicants). Captain Hayes had recommended SWAY. 

Agreement that a separate meeting of several individuals (SSC, Sergeant Morgan (responsible for FB); parent voice; military, cadet voice) to create a common ecosystem so all comms platforms saying same thing and discuss key objectives and clients of website. Volunteer Salamatu has comms experience. Could follow up with her to see how she can help.


Message to volunteers
Pamela shared that SSC understands that volunteering is a big commitment. If something happens in personal life, we are here to support each other. Reach out to tell SSC if you can’t get things done, so SSC can redirect taskings.

Action Item Owner Status Date assigned

Add to agenda for October SSC meeting that 2nd Vice-Chair be posed 

Kim   Sep 18

One of co-chairs to attend Air Cadet League AGM Oct. 20 @ 11AM 
Callum or Pamela   Sep. 18
ACC9 Financial report (new version needs to be completed by Sep. 30.  TJ   Sep 18
Next SSC meeting, we need a balanced budget with modifications  TJ   Sep 18
Get cheque from TJ to reimburse Captain Hayes for the Dymon Storage invoice  Pamela   Sep 18

Community Engagement activity Sep. 28. Looking for venues where cadets can set up.

MEC – (Callum)
o Metro on Carling: (Pamela)
o Canadian Tire at Carlingwood: (Marie-Jo)
o Loblaws at College Square: (Pedro)

Callum, Pamela, Marie-Jo, Pedro   Sep 18
Write a letter on behalf of Squadron to be used to present to potential venues. Callum   Sep 18
Contact Tip Pay (contact email is in the Chairperson’s inbox) to see if we can we have an
Pamela   Sep 18
Effective Speaking Program:
-Speak with volunteer about moving forward 
Not assigned   Sep 18
Put letter from President of Air Cadet League of Canada encouraging parents to fund/volunteer
on website 
Joey   Sep 18
Set up a side meeting to discuss next steps for website  Callum   Sep 18
At next SSC meeting, add agenda item to talk about how to encourage parents to donate:
Kim   Sep 18