- Welcome and approval of agenda (5 minutes)
- League representative report (10 minutes)
- Values and ethics
- Commanding officer report (10 minutes)
- Confirmation of Screening for volunteers (5 minutes)
- Kimberly Cowan
- Danielle Ballon
- Shannon Morphew
- Budget (10 minutes)
- Assessment fees due Nov. 15
- ACC9 Financial report
- Balanced budget with modifications
- Fundraising (15 minutes)
- MEC Community engagement day (Sep. 28)
- Bottle drive (Oct. 12)
- Walkathon (Oct. 20)
- Bottle drive (Oct. 26)
- Kiwanis bingo
- Encouraging parents to donate (GCWCC)
- Other
- Communications (10 minutes)
- Review old and new actions (10 minutes)