
The 211 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron delivers youth programming to help them build aviation, citizenship, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Throughout the spring and fall approximately 22,000 air cadets participate in familiarization gliding at regional gliding centres located across the country.

Each summer, 320 cadets earn a Transport Canada Glider Pilot Licence through the Air Cadet Glider Pilot Training Course and 250 more earn a Private Pilot license.

The Air Cadet Gliding Program conducts approximately 60,000 glider flights annually in Schweizer SGS 2-33 gliders.

The aircraft fleet used in the gliding program is owned by the Air Cadet League of Canada. The fleet, consisting of more than 100 gliders and tow planes is maintained by the Canadian Forces under a memorandum of understanding. Canadian Forces pilots and Civilian Instructors operate the fleet to train cadets. The aircraft that are used during the Private Pilot Training Course are various, and they depend on the flight school the cadet is posted at during their course. The Private Pilot Training Course is operated by private flight schools, and the instructors are not affiliated with the cadet program. The aircraft can be a Cessna 152, Cessna 150, Cessna 172, or DA20 Katana.