Sponsoring Committee

The Sponsoring Committee is a group of parents and volunteers working with squadron staff to represent the Air Cadet Program within the local community. Their role is to ensure indispensable local support for squadron needs as well as take care of some of the logistics involved in the squadron activities and act as a liaison.

211 Squadron Sponsorship Committee 


Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Mr. TJ Caron, Chair

Mr. Haider Zaidan, 2nd vice-chair 

Mrs. Pamela Best, Secretary

Mr. Joey Legrand, Treasurer

Mme. Lynn Sénécal, Squadron Advisor

Mr. Les Buckley, Director

Mr. Callum Burns, Director

Cpt. Labelle (for Cpt. Lee)



Mr. Scott Bigras, Director

Mr. Juan Emanuel Alfonzo Morales, Director



  1. Approval of agenda and minutes from previous meeting
  2. CO’s report
  3. Old business; update on plans for mess dinner, ACR update, coffee fundraiser
  4. New business
  5. Chair’s report
  6. League’s report 
  7. Treasurer’s Report 
  8. Review new actions and update action list 



Approval of agenda and minutes from previous meeting

Motion for the approval of the agenda

Moved by  Callum seconded by Haiden


Two amendments made to the minutes. 

Motion for the approval of the minutes from previous meeting for April 28, 2024

Moved by Haiden seconded by TJ


COs report

We have a quote for white foldable chairs: $1.70 total $480 (tx and delivery $90) three days Feast Ottawa. Chairs to be delivered June 1st at noon. Pick up Sunday at 4:00 (time to be confirmed)

Cpt. Labelle to check on the sound system. If it cannot be fixed Joey will reach out to Fleet Sound.

RO has received his invitation. 

TJ to send the request for the attendance pins. Perfect attendance is 98%. We will need a refined list. 

Still working on consolidating the storage unit. SSC members have volunteered to assist. 

Old business : 

Mess dinner update:

We have found a caterer. Meeting held today with the caterer and the representative from the Legion.

Menu: Beef, Chicken, Vegetarian option, salades, potatoes and rice. Cadets can specify dietary needs. 

Total cost for the Legion $504 and the caterer $4 700 for the food. There was a special vote note in the minutes on May 1st to increase the cost. 

Joey will put a form on the website to get the choices and for cadets to RSVP. A $10 refundable deposit will be requested from the cadets next week. Sgt. Gingras to assist. 

Tip Tap pay: approved the budget to buy the machines but did not do any fundraising. We will need to set up community fundraisers very early in the new year. 

Funding from Kiwanis is forthcoming for receipts that Joey will provide. 

We will need to set up the budget in June. 

Nominations for SSC next year:

Members who are seeking reelection next year but not able to attend the nomination meeting can send an email to TJ with their intentions. 

New business

BBQ: Allocation of duties

Hamburgers, veggies, hot dogs and halal hot dogs.

We will need BBQs and a truck. Announcement (June 5th). 

Pamela will do logistics. We will need a canopy in case of rain. 

Custodial staff should be invited. Cpt. Lee to speak to the school VP. Will need to put in the request to use the side door for the cafeteria. 


Suggested donation per household of $100.

Chair’s report

No specific items.

League report

Thanks to those who attended the training last week. 

Joey is signed up for the end of year treasurers symposium. 

The quota for next year is 126 cadets. The League has raised the assessment next year. 

Documents for insurance including inventory to be submitted by July 15th. There may be some adjustments to the musical instrument inventory. 


TJ to follow up with Cpt. Lee re: musical instruments.

TJ to follow up with Scott Bigras to see if he will continue on the SSC.

TJ to ensure the following are invited to the ACR: Mr. Millar and another representative from the Kiwanis, someone from the Lions and CI Kennedy.  

Treasurer’s Report 

Review of the financial statement for April

We have $13 000 in the bank with outstanding expenses. 

Fundraising will be important next year. 

The Walk-a-thon receipts will need to be issued. TJ will find the information to associate the receipts to the donors. 


Review new actions and update action list 

See action items.


Next meeting May 29, 2024


Action item 



Date assigned 

Haider will look into chair rentals (200 required)


Ongoing. Needs confirmation of delivery times

March 20

Cpt. Labelle to check on the sound system. If it cannot be fixed Joey will reach out to Fleet Sound.

Cpt. Labelle


May 8


Cpt. Lee will provide the list for the trophy plates by the weekend.  


Cpt. Lee


March 20

Cpt. Lee (or other military member) to contact RO. TJ has provided the name. 

Cpt. Lee


April 24

Cpt. Veilleux to provide an electronic version of the pamphlet SSC will look after the printing.

Cpt. Veuilleux


April 24

TJ to follow up re: reimbursement for missing items.



April 24

Contact admin to obtain list of cadets with (near) perfect attendance

Cpt. Lee


March 20

Follow up on receipts from walk-a-thon Joey will issue receipts for those donations through the website


TJ to compile the list of those who donated to the walk-a-thon

May 8

Coffee fundraiser: Pamela to send text for announcement. Joey to enable the website. The fundraiser will go until May 22, pick up on the 29th. 

(TJ will send to the Kiwanis) 



March 20

Fill out the CPQVO 122 departure form



March 20

Pamela, Callum, Carol Ann and TJ to explore locations for Mess Dinner; pursuing options with the Legion

Pamela, Callum, TJ


Jan 21/24

Looking at options for the silent auction of items donated by Callum and MEC. 




Dec 20/23

TJ will create a schedule for the Bingo volunteers

- SSC members to indicate when they will be unable to be included in rotation; Haider will do May 27 and one Monday in June. 



Oct 18/23

Explore https://www.tuckgear.ca/ for sales of Squadron-branded items



Feb 21/23