Sponsoring Committee

The Sponsoring Committee is a group of parents and volunteers working with squadron staff to represent the Air Cadet Program within the local community. Their role is to ensure indispensable local support for squadron needs as well as take care of some of the logistics involved in the squadron activities and act as a liaison.

211 Squadron Sponsorship Committee 


Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Mr. TJ Caron, Chair

Mr. Haider Zaidan, 2nd vice-chair 

Mrs. Pamela Best, Secretary

Mr. Joey Legrand, Treasurer

Mme. Lynn Sénécal, Squadron Advisor

Mr. Les Buckley, Director

Mr. Callum Burns, Director

Cpt. Labée (for Cpt. Lee)



Mr. Scott Bigras, Director

Mr. Juan Emanuel Alfonzo Morales, Director



  1. Approval of agenda and minutes from previous meeting
  2. CO’s report
  3. Old business 
  4. New business
  5. Chair’s report
  6. League’s report 
  7. Treasurer’s Report 
  8. Review new actions and update action list 



Approval of agenda and minutes from previous meeting

Motion for the approval of the agenda

Moved by TJ  seconded by Joey


Motion for the approval of the minutes from previous meeting for March 20, 2024

Moved by Joey, seconded by Callum


COs report

Mess dinner: We will begin promoting the Mess Diner for May 22 as soon as we confirm the final details.


Maximum of 85 cadets. First come first serve basis. 


Action: Callum to confirm if the Legion is still available on May 22nd. TJ will look to see if catering services are available. Les will check with the Barrhaven legion. 



The sound system we borrowed last year from another unit is not available.  


We do have a sound system. We will check to see what the piece is that is missing and look to repair ours. 

Haider will look into chair rentals (200 required)

Cpt. Lee will provide the list for the trophy plates by the weekend.  

Cpt. Lee (or other military member) to contact RO. TJ has provided the name. 

Capt Veilleux to provide an electronic version of the pamphlet SSC will look after the printing. 


  • Options are still being explored to consolidate our storage. The main storage is now more organized. The small storage still needs to be cleaned up. If properly organized, it may still fit into one storage locker. This will be determined in the coming weeks. 

Merit review boards:

  • Cadets have been identified for promotion. 

Summer camp information:

  • Some cadets have received information on their summer camp activities.

Bursaries and trophies:

  • There have been very few applications for the Chairman's trophy and study bursaries. SSC will have to make efforts next year to ensure that cadets are made aware of these opportunities and find a responsible military member.  TJ has put a reminder in his calendar. 


  • Everything is ready for the upcoming weekend. Occasion to build up basic skills. 
  • Still short of one staff for the Aviation weekend on May 11th. Cpt. Lebelle to send an email should an SSC member be required.

Old business : 

See action summary 

New business


Chair’s report

TJ confirmed that we are not out of date on league fees. We have two outstanding amounts due to the provincial office plus the assessment. 

Insurance and the assessment have been sent. We still owe for bars and rosettes. 

League report

Elections will be held at the first at the year end barbeque on June 5th.

TJ has indicated that he will carry on as Chair. Joey, Haider, Callum, Les and Pamela have also expressed their intent to continue to serve. 

A new welcome package has been prepared. 

New members training: May 1st. 

International exchange: 25 registrations in Quebec and the Ottawa valley. Only 5 cadets will be selected. There was a representative from 211 as part of the pool.

Treasurer’s Report 

Review of the financial statement for March

TJ has followed up with the Kiwanis to see what the process is to secure the funding promised for this year and will begin to advocate early for increased funding next year (storage fees, increase in costs for gym) and the efforts that we have made to decrease costs.

TJ will follow up regarding reimbursement for missing items from the school. 


Review new actions and update action list 

See action items.


Next meeting May 8


Action item 



Date assigned 

FInd a Reviewing Officer for ACR



March 20

Provide list of trophies to Joey by beginning of May

Cpt. Lee


March 20

Contact admin to obtain list of cadets with (near) perfect attendance

Cpt. Lee


March 20

Follow up with 75th to coordinate conducting a community engagement day in April and will communicate with SSC on plans in the next week

742 future engagement days



March 20

Follow up on receipts from walk-a-thon and GCWCC. Joey will issue receipts for those donations through the website


Pamela confirmed that GCWCC donations are being sent to 211. Walk-a-thon receipts issued at time of donation. 

March 20

Coffee fundraiser: Pamela to send text for announcement. Joey to enable the website. The fundraiser will go until May 22, pick up on the 29th. 

(TJ will send to the Kiwanis) 



March 20

Fill out the CPQVO 122 departure form



March 20

Tip Tap pay: Joey to look into some of the details and we may call a virtual meeting to seek approval to leverage 75 Squadron’s rental in April. 



Feb 21/24

Pamela, Callum, Carol Ann and TJ to explore locations for Mess Dinner; pursuing options with the Legion

Pamela, Callum, TJ


Jan 21/24

Looking at options for the silent auction of items donated by Callum and MEC. 




Dec 20/23

Add registration for Mess Dinner – payment of $10

(Needs confirmation of date and location)



Dec 20/23

Follow up with 211 Alumni to see if anyone may be interested in joining the Kiwanis.



Nov 14/23

ACC9 2022-2023 to be sent to regional coordinator and Cc Advisor by Joey



Nov 14/23

Follow up on funds coming in through GCWCC



Nov 14/23

Follow up on storage

Squadron is working on consolidating the storage. New target to finish by beginning of May.

Need to dispose of musical instruments. 




Sept 16/23

TJ will create a schedule for the Bingo volunteers

- SSC members to indicate when they will be unable to be included in rotation; Haider will do May 27 and one Monday in June. 



Oct 18/23

Explore https://www.tuckgear.ca/ for sales of Squadron-branded items



Feb 21/23

Looking for the donation of gift cards through community partners ( e.g. Boston Pizza)


Callum has donations from MEC

Oct 18/23

Scott to look into purchasing pens to give away at Community Engagement Days

(Will need logo)



Oct 18/23