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Biathlon - Campt Fortune
Saturday 18 November 2023, 08:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 8214
Contact WO2 Kilty

Biathlon at Campt Fortune

Date & Time: Saturday’s from 0830 to 1300

Transportation: Self, however, cadets are encouraged to carpool

Dress: Civilian sports attire. Cadets MUST be dressed properly for climatic conditions and MUST have a hat and gloves for shooting in order to participate.

Cadets: Members of the Biathlon Team

Food: Cadets should bring a water bottle, and may bring a snack

Note: Make sure to wear appropriate running shoes and make sure to bring a water bottle

Location: Camp Fortune


Drop-off and pick-up will be the parking lot near the main ski hill before the road heading up to Chalet Des Erables. As the snow continues to fall on the ground, and the ski hill becomes more busy, we will be restricted as to how many vehicles we can have in the Camp Fortune parking lot. Unit coaches must meet their cadets in the parking lot area and walk to the training center as a group. At the end of the training day coaches MUST not leave until all their cadets have been picked up.


All cadets MUST be dressed properly for climatic conditions and MUST have a hat and gloves for shooting in order to participate.

Location Camp Fortune

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